Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Multivitamin Reminder

Good morning San Antonio. Today is a reminder about taking your daily multivitamin. As perfect as I know that we all eat (that was sarcasm ...obviously) we are still not getting all of our essential vitamins from our diets. And sometimes that little amount of some of the vitamins that we are lacking can stunt our progress in terms of getting healthier. We could be doing almost everything right, but that small absence of a vitamin can sometimes be a limiting factor. So take your multivitamin damnit!!! If we help 1 person then awesome and if we don't help anybody at least it won't be for lack of effort damnit!!! Tomorrow is now....San Antonio Chris

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I also think this is important...unfortunately, most people do not get the most well rounded diet into them so this can help pick up on essential vitamins that may be lacking in someone's diet!
