Monday, August 27, 2012

Take Vacation

Good afternoon San Antonio. Take Vacation. Leading any kind of life.....healthy or unhealthy  but hopefully a healthy life....will take its toll on you. This is your reminder to take a vacation. Take a week or a weekend and do what you want to do. Everybody needs to unwind and decompress from the pressures of life. Dont get so caught up trying to make a living that you forget to have a life. If we help 1 person then awesome and if we don't help anybody at least it won't be for lack of effort damnit!!!! Tomorrow is now...San Antonio Chris

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Good morning San Antonio. Momentum. You surely have heard that the first 30 days of a fitness program are extremely important. That it takes 30 days to reset your body and other theories. In my opinion the best way to look at the first 30 days is as a chance to build the momentum you need as you change your lifestyle. Think of it as a chance to gain so much momentum going downhill that after your 30 days if you hit a hurdle in the road it will be analogous to hitting a bug n the windshield. Meaning that the hurdle is not going to derail your efforts and rather you will stay on track. Build that momentum. Create as many good habits in those first 30 days so that life can't get in the way. If we help 1 person then awesome and if we don't help anybody at least it won't be for lack of effort damnit!!! Tomorrow is now....San Antonio Chris

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Olympic Residual

Good morning San Antonio. Olympic Residual. The Olympics are still fresh on most of our country's minds and rightfully so. America had a successful performance by all accounts in most events. And hopefully seeing our country's representatives encouraged most of us to either keep active or become active and try to reach our maximum health and fitness condition. Olympic athletes are few so I don't expect people to reach that level but I do hope that seeing our athletes can serve as some kind of spark for us. The same way the we rooted for our athletes I encourage everybody to encourage and root for anybody that they see trying to work towards their highest quality of life. Root for your fellow neighbor or stranger that you see working hard. If we help 1 person then awesome and if we don't help anybody at least it won't be for lack of effort damnit!!!.Tomorrow is now....San Antonio Chris

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Interval Training

Good morning San Antonio. Interval Training. If you feel like your workouts are becoming redundant and mundane then try interval training. For example instead of carrying the same tempo of the exercise for a matter of time instead do shorter intervals of time at a much faster pace. You can do do the intervals at a minimum of 75% of your max up to 100% of your max. This will help give you some variety in your workout and get you out of any funk that you may have been. Variety is key to keep the body guessing and to yield success. If we help 1 person then awesome and if we don't help anybody at least it won't be for lack of effort damnit!!! Tomorrow is now.... San Antonio Chris